if you want to know How to sell your embroidery designs on GetEmb.com, you can read this article. you can see here step by step process of upload and sell your design on getemb
some Requirement for sell your embroidery on getemb.com
- currently, we only accept only Indian seller (because now we don’t have any options to repay your commission outside of India )
- Bank account (so we send your commission to your bank)
- you have good creative embroidery designs(don’t upload any other Copywrited designs )
- you should have all designs “.EMB “, “.DST ” and one Image fils of design
- your design “.EMB” File has supported welcome ES2006 Software (We don’t Except E2 E3 E4 Files )
if you have an Indian bank account and you have good embroidery designs, that is enough to sell your embroidery designs on getemb.
here is a step by step process for how to register your account and how to set up your store for sell your embroidery designs
1.How to register as a vender(seller)
go to getemb.com so you can see below page

click on MY ACCOUNT In the Menu. after you can see below Page if you all redy now login

click on Become a Vendor if you click on so you can see below page

- chose your username
- enter email id
- check your email id and you received OTP copy and past in the Verification code field ( some time it’s tacks time 10-20 minutes, and email drop in your spam box so please check your email spam box)
- enter the first name
- enter the last name like surname
- Enter store name (store name is your favorite name for your store that is also your URL )
- choose your password
- re-enter your password in Confirm Password field
After fill all the field press REISTER button. so youcan see below page

now you shoud wait for aaprovel it is take time like 24 -28 hour if your request approved you recived email for aaprovel
aafter aaprovel you will recived email and stor link
then you can see store setup page like belwo

click on Let’s go! button. then you can see store setup process like below image

Upload your store logo and store banner also fill adress and all details and press CONTINUE button

this page is about bank detail where you want to accept payment you can skip this step if you do not understand any option we will contact you when you Eligeable to windthrow payment trash hold(minimum payment you can windthrow is rs.1000 )
after then you can see this page this is for coustomer support page.

this step is about the help and support section about your customers fill all the fields and you can press the CONTINUE button.
After then you can skeep next 2 step seo and social by press contunue button after you can see below page

then you can press Let’s go to the Dashboard button so you can see your Vander(seller) Dashbord

this is your dashboard, this is your control panel you can upload your design and see your traffic and all activity here. you can control your design update delete with this dashboard.
next time when you log in so you can directly see this page. in this dashboard, you cant update your all information and so you can send a payment windthrow request.
next you step is start upload your embroidery design. so we will gaide for upload design step by step in our next post and we will give you thir post link here so you can read this artical and upload your design. we will give you step by step information to uopload design .
if you want to know how to upload your design click here How to upload embroidery design on getemb.com